BCOE&M 2.7.0: Reset Competition Information

To "reset" your BCOE&M installation to be used for another competition iteration, top-level Admins need perform some data updates.

Archive Data (Non-Hosted Installations Only)

Archive your data by going to Admin Dashboard > Data Management > Manage Archives.

  • Provide a name for your Archive.
  • Choose what data you would like to retain:
    • None
    • Custom Categories – retains all custom style categories that are not part of the BCOE&M core (BJCP 2015 or BJCP 2008).
    • Custom Style Types – retains all custom style types that are not part of the BCOE&M core (beer, mead, cider).

Download Current Data (Hosted and Non-Hosted Installations)

Download data by going to Admin Dashboard > Data Exports. All data is packaged in CSV format, readily readable by spreadsheet programs such as Microsoft Excel.

Purge Current Data

Purge "old" data by going to Admin Dashboard > Data Management > Purge.

  • You have a few choices on which data to purge:
    • Entries – deletes all entries currently in the database (it is suggested that you download the entry data by going to Admin Dashboard > Data Exports > Entries (CSV) > All Entries prior to purging).
    • Participants – deletes all user accounts except for top-level Admin accounts (it is suggested that you download the entry data by going to Admin Dashboard > Data Exports > Participants (CSV) > All Participants and Winners prior to purging).
    • Judging Tables – deletes all defined judging tables.
    • Scores- deletes all scores recorded in the database.
    • Custom Categories – deletes all custom style categories that are not part of the BCOE&M core (BJCP 2015 or BJCP 2021).
    • Judge/Steward Availability – resets all judge and steward availability for current user accounts.
      • This is essential if you plan to keep your user account data (since you are most likely redefining your judging locations, dates, and times). Saves a headache later when defining tables and assigning judges/steward to them.
      • Download the Available Judges and Available Stewards email addresses by going to Admin Dashboard > Data Exports so you can alert judges/stewards to update their availability by logging into their accounts.
    • All – this is pretty much self-explanatory.

Update Vital Information

Finally, update all your competition's vital information.

Make sure all of the competition's associated dates are in the future. Otherwise, unexpected functionality will occur.

General Competition Information

Update general competition information by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Edit Competition Info.

  • Competition Info includes:
    • Entry, account registration, judge/steward account registration, and drop-off open/close dates.
    • Rules.
    • Volunteer information.
    • Entry fee.
    • Awards location, info.
    • Best of Show info.


Update contacts by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Manage Contacts.

Drop-Off Locations

Update drop-off locations by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Manage Drop-Off Locations.

Judging Sessions

Update judging session dates and times by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Manage Judging Sessions.


Update sponsors by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Manage Sponsors – from there, you can "hide" the sponsors that haven't committed to be a sponsor for this iteration of your competition.

Styles Accepted

Update styles accepted by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Manage Styles Accepted.

Style Types

Update style types accepted by going to Admin Dashboard > Competition Preparation > Manage Style Types.